Version 7.5
  • 22 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Version 7.5

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Article Summary


Please ensure you put Atomic Scope to maintenance mode and then proceed the upgrade process. If your existing LogicApps / API's are still processing events, ensure to stop them, else it might result in loss of events.

Backwards compatability
  • Events from EventHub which are pending / in-progress are not compatible with this release. EventHub is removed from our Azure Infrastructure. It will be automatically purged / deleted when you install and run the upgrade-AzureInfra script.

  • Since we upgraded our assembly info, customers who are using custom pipeline component on top of our assemblies, need to re-reference our used assemblies and rebuild your solution.

In this release, we have planned to solve an important issue in Atomic Scope that was addressed by multiple customers.

If you are using Atomic Scope for tracking Azure or Hybrid scenarios, you may get some In-Progress activities. This was due to the misorder of events that was coming from Azure Functions. To prevent that from happening, we have planned to move from Event Hubs to Service Bus Queues.

Inconsistencies in Tracking

With EventHub, it was not possible to support ordered delivery of messages. This caused a problem when the service was exposed to heavy load and the service started to throttle. From customers, we were getting feedback that some of their events were missing. As a tracking & monitoring tool we need to ensure that it is highly available 24 * 7, even when exposed to very high load.


After doing some R&D, we ended up in Service Bus Sessions and it looked promising. An amazing article from ordered-queue-processing-in-azure-functions which was exactly the problem we ran into.

Changes in Atomic Scope's Architecture

  • EventHub is removed and we've converted it to ServiceBus
  • Atomic Scope connector will have a new optional input to accept QueueMappingId
  • Azure Functions will now inject data to ServiceBus
  • Added Azure Keyvault to store and use QueueMappings

Overall Architecture view

Azure Infrastructure.png

Bug Fixes

The below bugs are fixed in 7.5.

  • Data Purging Stored Procedure Timeout issue
  • Unable to track AS2 transactions
  • Serialization Exception while tracking activities in persistance points in Orchestrations

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