Version 9.1
  • 22 Aug 2023
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Version 9.1

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Article summary

Release Date : August 2023

Important updates
  1. Exception handling in BAM tracking - If any exception occurs in Atomic Scope, BizTalk Message Processing will not get affected and Exception details will be shown for respective Business Transaction in Tracking
  2. Column option improvements in Tracking page - column resize, sorting and orderby for column option
  3. Process messgae Async improvement - Process Message Async Tracking is improved & stabilized with Exception handling, Multiple workspaces & Multiple Service instance scenarios


Exception handling in BAM tracking

If any issue occurs from Atomic Scope components it will not impact BizTalk message processing. The exception details are shown in the respective Business Transaction in Tracking.


Restart all the Atomic Scope used host instances once upgraded to Atomic Scope newer version

Preserve the column resize, order by in Tracking Overview

The column options contains a list of all the global characteristics that can be specified at the business process level. It is about appear on the tracking grid.

The user has a choice to sort the column option in either ascending or descending order.


Based on the user's requirements, the user can drag and drop, select, and deselect the column options. The Tracking properties can Export to excel with same order or sorting.

Process message Async improvement

Process Message Async Tracking is improved & stabilized with Exception handling, Multiple workspaces & Multiple Service instance scenarios.

Ensure Atomic Scope Service is running healthy in all installed machines to perform Process Message Async Tracking.

Preserving run time default dashboard as Atomic Scope Overview.

From Version 9.1, Default Dashboard is called as Atomic Scope Overview with standard widgets to give holistic view about Atomic Scope & All Business Process Transactions in One view.

Since its a read-only dashboard, no operations can be performed in this dashboard.


Migration sub service revisions

From V8.3, Atomic Scope compress the Archive Message Content & Context in database which helps in maintaining Lightweight Atomic Scope database.

Migration Sub service is used to migrate all your old non-compressed archive message to compressed archive messages, and its being discontinued from V9.1.

However, Atomic Scope BAM supports Compression for New BAM Archive Messages.

Bug fixes

Orchestartion serialization issue
When messages are processed through orchestration, an exception is thrown because the provided assembly is not marked as serializable. We solved the issue so that processing of order message is no longer affected by the lack of serializable exception.

Atomic Scope sample pipeline component reference issue
Atomic Scope sample pipeline components have a reference issue. It is resolved, and going forward, the user won't need to change the reference for every upgrade if they use Atomic Scope samples in their application. It will be in latest version.


Microsoft Azure eventgrid DLL missing issue.

Azure eventgrid DLL was missing from the GAC folder and installation. We organised and dynamically inserted each DLL to the binary folder

Subservice time interval is not updated in UI
All the Atomic Subservice same execution frequency, now it's updated with functional based frequency

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